
The Department of Physics is located on approximately one and a half acre compound and a close neighbour to the Aboagye Menyeh Science Complex Block. It also shares boundaries with Pharmacy to the north, Engineering workshop to the south, and Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD) to the East. Over the years the Department has succeeded in realizing its sole mission of producing high caliber and competitive Physicists and Meteorology and Climate Scientists who do not only contribute immensely to the development of Ghana but also fit very well into the global scientific community. We are poised to be the preferred premier Department in the college of Science of this University and Africa. The department is envisioned as an international center for advanced research and as a foundation for developing scientific capability in Ghana and Africa, with a focus on the importance of basic sciences in development. This critical role of physics is even more crucial now, but it necessitates adaptability to shifting circumstances and objectives.
To our prospective students, feel free to contact us. The Department focuses on a list of research fields such as Geophysics, Meteorology and Climate Science, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Environmental Physics, Material Science and Mathematical and Computational Physics. The Department's teaching programs includes BSc, MPhil and PhD courses. More advanced students will be integrated into current research questions treated in the various Research Groups of the Department. We, therefore, invite you to join our department to help push the frontiers of nature and technology with our dedicated Professors across their specialties.
Head of Department