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Mathematics for Real World Applications develops brilliant young Africans (Ghanaians) into renowned scientists with excellent problem-solving skills, capable of creative and independent thinking and innovative technological methodologies. It is a Graduate training, research and public engagement relating to the application of mathematical science.


  • Provides state-of-the-art training in a broad overview of cutting-edge science/engineering and computing.
  • Equips Africa’s brightest students to apply their scientific and technical knowledge to real-world challenges and problems to transform all diverse aspects of socio-economic and industrial sectors (private or public businesses, governmental/non-governmental organisations, and civil society).
  • Enables Africa’s brightest students to become innovators that propel and drive the continent’s scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency.
  • Develops and intensifies the multidisciplinary knowledge of Africa’s brightest students to complement laboratory/fieldwork and experimental prototypes.
  • Enables student mobility (exchange) and joint supervision across continents.

This program is bound to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all walks of life, given the recent world-wide exponential increase in computation.

  • Talented students with strong mathematics and computing backgrounds.
  • Passionate students determined to apply RealMaths in science and engineering-related fields.
  • Strong leadership skills and interests in pursuing careers for the development of Ghana (Africa).

The department is envisioned as an international center for advanced research and as a foundation for developing scientific capability in Ghana, Africa and the World, with a focus on the importance of science development.

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