Good Morning Senior Professors and Fellow Colleagues
Good morning our young freshmen.
To our freshmen, you are all warmly welcome to our noble Department of Physics, feel free, relax and enjoy this moment as a Physicist. You are at the right place at the right time, although some of you might not have chosen Physics during your application process or perhaps you selected it merely to satisfy the minimum number of programmes you ought to choose. Whichever the reason, you are here and that is what matters now. I can assure you; you have made a very important decision and we are here to help you reach that point.
I know many of you may be questioning why “everything in this life is Physics?”
COVID-19 has made it possible to re-schedule or delay your coming to the university. Some of us did same when our predecessors went on strike resulting in the closure of all universities then. This time round it is the world lockdown that culminated in shifting of all school calendars. It is scary to learn that over 90 million people are affected with over 1.9 million dead. The re-schedule was necessitated for our safety, so we can see each other today. Therefore, you are also encouraged to observe your personal safety by taking into consideration the COVID-19 protocols seriously (Wash and sanitize your hands regularly, observe the physical distancing and do not forget your face mask).
We offer the following elective programs: Physics with Computing, Physics with Electronics, Physics with Materials Science, Physics with Biomedical Physics, Physics with Geophysics and Physics with Mathematics.
I am pleased to inform you that, the physics we do here in this great Department is for the development of our country. No country in the world has developed without scientists or physicists. Look around you, there are more technology to meet your eyes, from your smart phones to notebooks, your home appliances and the list is endless. None of them could be made possible without Physics! Physics is the foundation of every human life and activity, and in short it is our life support system.
As you will get to know soon, this department successfully designed and fabricated Microbial Fuel Cells or Battery which uses waste water and clay to generate voltage up 1.5 volts, Examination Timer, Motion sensor used in the washrooms, etc. Those solar traffic lights you see around were produced in this Department. Soon you will begin to design wonderful gadgets by yourself.
Almost all Physicists in Ghana link their root to this Department. Fine professors and doctors here with high-ranking pedagogy will teach you and you can trust them for that.
Our Professors and teachers are your parents and will help shape and mould you as Ghana’s next generation scientist, for the future belongs to you. Yours is to take the advantage to learn and research into things you think you do not know. You can do any graduate studies of your choice after your undergraduate work here. Learn new skill and look around to find solution to problems. The world is full of problems and we need young and bright people, like you, to solve them.
My honest advice to you all is this: commit yourself to learn and learn well by achieving a Good Class. This would propel you further to your future life.
There are many things to learn and experience, for this place is a universe on its own. Everything is possible here. Please try as much to identify and avoid so unnecessary interruptions.
On behalf of Senior Members, Senior and Junior staff, we congratulate you for your admission and wish you a very successful stay in our Department and in the University as a whole.